Dart Sailability Group - Announcement
Mike Breed has been chairman since 2015. He has decided that for personal reasons he wishes to stand down as trustee and chairman with immediate effect. He will continue as treasurer until a replacement is found. Mike has put great effort into these two roles and trustees wish to express their thanks for all that he has done and wish him well for the future.
At their next scheduled meeting on 20 March the trustees will meet with the Management Committee to deal with priorities ahead of this year’s sailing season and consider appointments for the positions of chairman and treasurer and arrangements for the management of a new membership database.
The trustees have reviewed the current membership arrangements of the Group and have agreed that from 1 May there will be a new structure in place. In summary this will provide that:
all sailors and volunteers pay an annual membership fee of £5.00. This will allow clear identification of who is engaged with the Group, and give all a vote in its running. For volunteers, it provides their insurance cover for the year and also access to the social functions and river trips (due to our ‘charitable objectives’ it does not include recreational and race sailing except where it occurs in direct support of the disabled).
sailing members pay an annual sailing subscription of £30.00.
there will be no session fees which will cut down the load on the shoreteam.
At the time of membership renewals, all members will be offered the opportunity to make a voluntary donation to the Group.
There will be arrangements to reduce the sailing subscription in cases of hardship; for example students and unemployed. The arrangements for group membership will be decided after further consultation with these parties.
The trustees and Management Team look forward to the start of the sailing season in a little over two months time and more immediately to the Annual Dinner and Prize Giving on 15 March.
The Trustees 27 February 2017