Dart Sailability is an RYA Training Centre which means that we can deliver courses and issue
RYA certificates. All training is for the benefit of our members. We do not offer courses
commercially. Training is done to ensure a high operational standard with safety as our
byword. Here is a summary of what we do:
Induction Training
When new volunteers join, they are given a comprehensive overview of our organisation
and introduced to our boats, equipment and our safety procedures.
Ongoing Training for Volunteers
New volunteers are paired with an experienced volunteer so they can learn “on the job”.
They are given a training log-book to help track progress.
Formal Training Courses
Disability Awareness and First Aid courses are run every year. These are one day modules.
RYA Courses delivered in-house.
RYA Level 1 & 2 “Start Sailing”
RYA Level 1 & 2 Powerboating.
Through assessment, members can also achieve Assistant Instructor certification in
Other RYA Courses
We arrange and fund courses run by RYA coaches so that our volunteers may attain
Instructor qualifications. These are 3-5 day courses with a one day pre-assessment.
Training for our sailing members.
We encourage members to get qualified. All of the above courses are open to our sailors.
Because some of our members have learning limitations, we have developed, in association
with the RYA, a scheme of structured learning from the most basic level up to the entry
point for RYA courses detailed above.
Our boats are adapted to enable most of our disabled sailors to helm keelboats or our RIB
If you would like to talk about any aspect of training, our Training Officer, Bob Miller, will be
very pleased to hear from you.
Training Officer - Bob Miller.
The following courses and training are run by or can be arranged through Dart Sailability:
RYA Keel Boat levels 1 & 2
RYA Dinghy Sailing levels 1 & 2
RYA Safety Boat Course
Powerboat level 2
First Aid
VHF Radio
Disability Awareness
Induction training for volunteers
Navigation training
Race training
Collision avoidance training
Access to higher level instructor courses through the RYA